What We Do
General Auto Repair & Maintenance
Our certified car service offers a wide range of general repair and maintenance services. They encompass such options as oil and filter changes, rotating the tires, and preventive checking of such details as belts, batteries, hoses, shocks, struts, etc.
Transmission Repair & Replacement
A transmission or a gearbox is an important part of your vehicle. Its main function is to move the power from the engine to the wheels. Our specialists will pick up the needed parts for your car and perform the necessary repairs. If the breakage is critical, the option of transmission replacement is more desirable.
Manufacturer Recommended Service
The manufacturers set specific guidelines to get the best possible performance based on normal driving conditions. If you desire to avoid serious breakages just on the road, it’s better not to ignore the scheduled maintenance.
Brake Repair and Replacement
Brakes are one of the most crucial car parts. If they do not function properly, the risks of car accidents are very high. It’s of prime importance to keep brakes in order.
Air Conditioning A/C Repair
Air conditioning systems allow making driving more comfortable. No wonder, when an air conditioning system is out of order, car owners feel despair. A/C is also necessary for proper cooling of car components.
Fuel System Repair
Without proper functioning of a fuel system, cars won’t run effectively. There are many elements of your car that are highly influenced by the type of fuel injection system. They are mileage, ride quality, engine life, and some others. A fuel system is a combination of mechanical and electronic circuits.
Engine Cooling System Maintenance
A car cooling system is of prime importance for the smooth functioning of your vehicle. You may be surprised to get to know that the engine of your car is able to produce over 4000 explosions per minute. Without cooling, it would damage all the plastic details in no time.
Electrical Diagnostics
Most modern cars are equipped with onboard computer diagnostic systems. Their main task is to monitor whether your car functions well. If something goes wrong, you can see warning lights. You should not ignore them. They indicate you have to check your car. It’s also necessary to order electrical diagnostics.
Starting and Charging Repair
The starting and charging system consists of many elements. They are the battery, a starter solenoid, a starter motor, an alternator, and a voltage regulator. If one of the components does not work correctly, you can’t count on a smooth run. Moreover, there are high chances that the engine won’t start.
CV Axles
CV axles are responsible for the ability to accelerate and drive normally. If this part starts making strange noises, it’s not a good idea to ignore a possible problem. Otherwise, it may have disastrous results.
Computer Diagnostic Testing
There are different ways you may explore to check whether everything is OK with your vehicle or not. If you are interested in exact and accurate results, it’s a good idea to order computer diagnostic testing.
Vehicle Preventative Maintenance
Our car center is a team of qualified technicians and experienced workers who are able to provide top-quality preventive maintenance services for owners of any car. No matter how old your car is or what class it belongs to, it’s necessary to keep it in order.
Emission Repair Facility
A car emission system plays a crucial role in your safety, as well as in a safe driving experience. There are three main types of car emission systems. They are evaporative emissions, refueling losses, and exhaust emissions.
Tune Up
Tune-up implies that a mechanic will check whether all the systems in your vehicle work in a proper way. If he or she finds some failures, they will be fixed and the systems will be adjusted according to the standards.
Oil Change
There are many types of oil. If you have ever tried to buy it by yourself, you know for sure how frustrating it may be to pick up the best solution for your vehicle. Moreover, it’s important to fill an exact amount of oil to avoid dirtiness.
Auto Body Repair
Timely and top-quality car body repairs allow vehicle owners not only to keep their cars in order but also to enjoy safe and comfortable driving. Car repair workers are able to select the best parts, pick up the proper color schemes, and perform work fast and effectively.
Hybrid Cars Repair
Hybrid car repair requires specific skills, knowledge, and tools. Our specialists possess all of them to perform repair work fast and effectively. You may be sure your car receives ideal maintenance and repair at a reasonable price.
Collision Repair
After a car collision, it’s of prime importance to repair an auto as fast as possible. Our service deals with damages of any level of complexity and is ready to help you to eliminate the consequences of car collisions fast and at a reasonable price